Collaborative Learning

Martin Terre Blanche

This is a diary of my involvement in a project on collaborative learning in the psychology department at the University of South Africa. Most recent posts below and links to previous posts on the left.

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Just-in-time collaboration

George Siemens makes the excellent point that "most training in workplaces is geared to courses and workshops...yet that is the last place I go for help". Like most of us, if George needs to learn something he searches for it on Google, asks somebody, reads a book - and will only go on a formal course as a last resort. Given this, here are his suggestions for how learning environments should be structured:

posted by Martin on Wednesday, September 17, 2003
Segue content management system

From the site: "Segue is an open source content management system designed for e-learning that combines the ease of use of course management systems with the flexibility of weblogs for creating various types of sites including course, news, journal, peer review and e-portfolio." Of course there are many commercial and open source e-learning management systems, but what I find unique and exciting about Segue is the following: "Segue is really a collaborative learning system...students can contribute as much as the instructor or more to a course website. In addition students can make their own websites that can be associated with a course website or can build a website for their own personal use such as a weblog or an e-portfolio." And:
"Segue is based on a publishing model of content delivery which regards faculty not as course managers but as authors and/or editors and students as contributors/collaborators. Indeed, Segue encourages the publication of course work (where appropriate) and opens the classroom to the world community. At the same time, Segue allows for a site to become a personal workspace, where site owners can develop ideas in a private web-based environment accessible anywhere; or a community workspace, where individuals or groups can share ideas amongst only themselves."
The downside:

posted by Martin on Tuesday, September 16, 2003